Key Issues
I support the Following:
- The Constitution
- Religious Freedom
- The 2nd Amendment
- Medical Freedom
- Right to Life
- Legal Immigration
- Term Limits
- Social Security Repair
- Campaign Finance Reform
- A Balanced Budget
We need to work on the Following:
- The Economy-we need energy independence, to balance, the budget, get out of debt, bring down inflation, prioritize water to our farmers and ranchers, and fix our supply lines.
- Education – School Choice is vitality important. The money should follow the child (this includes homeschooling without government regulations or restrictions). Additionally, parents must have a say in their children’s education. School vouchers will help ensure this happens.
- Homelessness and Crime – this is a problem that be resolved at a local level, however, as a representative I can help with bringing finances and other resources to the district.
- Border Security – we need to immediately secure the border and stop all illegal crossings. We must go back to immediately returning those who crossed over illegally to their country of origin. We must deal humanely with those who came here illegally but they must never receive citizenship.
- Election integrity – Every state and territory should conduct full forensic audits of their elections. Appropriate action should be taken following the results of the audit, including prosecution for anyone who may have violated the laws. Voter rolls need to be cleaned to guarantee only citizens who live in the district are voting. A law should be passed that requires states to keep records for 10 years or if a forensic audit was contacted by a 3rd party, they must be kept for 5 years.
I will introduce legislation or sponsor existing legislation on the following issues:
- States should not toll roads without the vote of the people affected by the tolls. In order to toll interstate roads, states need federal permission, I will work to pass a law that says no federal permission shall be given unless the those affected by the toll road have voted for the toll. The effect is that you will get to vote before an interstate toll can begin.
- Combat sex and human trafficking. The fastest and biggest way to combat this issue is to secure the border. Another way to make financial resources are going to fight sex and human trafficking. Auditing should be done on any current funding and future funding to guarantee it is being used appropriate.
- Assist the victims of sex and human trafficking. Here we need to make sure that there are resources to help the victims heal and become healthy members of society. Any business, non-profit, or other organization that receives federal funds must be audited to guarantee the funds are used appropriately.
- Help States to find solutions for affordable housing crisis. Here we need to discover what solutions are working in various parts of the country, find out why they are working, and help get that information to other regions that are struggling with this issue.
- Help States and localities find solutions to homelessness (which will require dealing with the multifaceted causes of homelessness – mental illness, drug addiction, lack of resources, etc.) There are three steps to working on these issues:
First Step: Is to address it at the individual level and find out why that person is homeless and get that individual to the correct resources.
Second Step: The key is to have the correct resources, enough rehabilitation centers, mental health facilities, job resources, affordable housings, etc.
Third Step: Audit the resources to make sure they are effective. The resources that work need to be rewarded and the ones that don’t work need to no longer receive funds.
- To make the 2017 tax rate cut permanent. My goal is for you to keep your money in your pocket.
- To end the practice of “Let It Burn” forest management that has allowed fires to go unchecked threatening the lives of our citizens, their livestock and land.
- To bring back Oregon’s forests to local control. No one will manage the forest so that everyone may enjoy the benefits better than those who live in area. The forest must be maintained to keep down the danger of wildfires and to make sure that everyone can use the forest. We need to be able to use it for recreation, education, and as a renewable resource of products. If managed correctly it can be both maintained for recreational and wildlife purposes and well as for timber harvest.
- To make congressional retirement and health insurance options the same as private citizens and to end any other perks or benefits that congress has granted itself that the private citizens do not have access to.
- To fix problems with Medicare. My personal choice is that government is too far involved in our health system, especially with regards to our valuable senior citizens. If there is an option that will allow seniors to go back into the private market without losing coverage and extra cost, that would be optimal. If that is not possible, then we need to fix it so that Seniors can see the doctors they want (a naturopathic doctor should be able to be PCP) and get the necessary care they need to get better.
- To correct issues with the justice system, similar to the First Step act and encourage the states to the same with the state justice system.
- To repeal and replace Obamacare, while protecting coverage for those with pre-existing conditions. We need less government involvement in our health care.