About Joanna

About Joanna
I am an attorney by trade. In 2004, I started a law practice in my hometown of Estacada until 2017, taking on Business formation, Divorce, Estate Planning, Adoptions, Guardianships, Property Disputes, and other types of cases. I reactivated my law license in 2021. In 2022 I did work with some nonprofits on a pro-bono basis. In 2023, I started doing Family Law and Estate Planning cases as well as continue with advising nonprofits.
My background is advocating for my clients. I am ready and able to advocate for the people of Congressional District 3 and fight for their interests and rights. As a lawyer I am able to read and understand laws. I am a good listener and I am use to listening to my clients about their problems, coming up with solutions and implementing those solutions. I can negotiate and reach settlements. I will take these skills to Washington D.C. and start Congressional District 3 in a new direction. A direction of prosperity, safety and freedom. Congressional District 3 has had the same leadership for decades and none of the problems have been solved, in fact, they have gotten worse. Times are hard. People can’t afford food and gas. A choice between feeding your family and paying your bills should not occur in a country like ours. We need to end inflation and fix the economy to be vibrant again. Safety also should not be a concern in a country like ours. It is a right. Laws must be enforced. We need a new direction.
I am interviewing for the job to be the one to go back to Congress and fight to bring new hope, opportunities, and resources to Congressional District 3. I ask the people of Congressional District 3 to hire me to represent them.
When I was twelve years old my parents moved our family to Oregon. We went from a big city to the small town of Estacada, Oregon. It was one of the best things that happened to me. After high school, I went off to Idaho for College and I got to spend one semester in Washington, D.C. as an intern with the Juvenile Prosecution Attorney at the height of President Clinton impeachment trial. While in college I came home to Estacada every vacation and summer. After college I immediately went to law school. I decided on Willamette University based on the scholarships they offered me over Lewis and Clark.
In 2004, I returned to my hometown and started my own law practice representing people in my community until 2016. In 2016, I decided to close down my law practice for multiple reasons, including but not limited to, a small town was not providing enough clients for a stable income, and I was tired of seeing injustice. We have the best justice system in the world but there is always room for improvement, and we have some flaws that need to be repaired. In the fall of 2016, I began working as an office manager for a local business owner, who owned multiple rental properties and began caregiving for my mother who had a bad fall. After that business owner moved out of the country in 2018, I began a coaching career.
In 2020, I became a independent caregiver for my mother. In 2021, I reactivated my bar license and have been doing pro-bono and nonprofit work. Recently, I started to work in again in the area of Estate Planning.